Workshop in Hong Kong 2007


May 18 : Excursion

May 19 : Workshop, 於香港中文大学,司会飯島渉

9:30− 9:40  はじめのあいさつ (飯島渉,蔡志祥)

9:40−10:20  大陸関係セッション
1)TOBE, Ken 戸部健(PhD candidate of Keio Univ.)
"Knowledge of Health for the masses in Tianjin, 1915-1942"

2)FUKUSHI Yuki 福士由紀(PhD candidate of Histostubashi Univ. and research fellow of JSPS)
"Revision of 'International Sanitary Convention(1912)' and port-health of Shanghai."

10:20−10:40  ディスカッション
10:40−11:00  休憩

11:00−12:00  香港関係セッション
3)Yang Xiangyin, 楊祥銀(ph.D candidate of Chinese university of HK)
“When Chinese Medicine Encoutner Western Medicine:Colonial
Politics and Medical Space----The Transformation of Chinese and Western Medical Services in Tung Wah Groups of Hospitals,1894-1941”

4)NAGASHIMA, Takeshi 永島剛(Senshu Univ.)
"Late-victorian system of public health administration in HongKong."

5)Luo Wanxian (Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)
“Colonial Government and Western Medicine”

12:00−12:30  ディスカッション